Conference organization by hand is a time-consuming and sometimes frustrating job. Online Registry helps organizers to save many hours by automating recurring steps and providing efficient tools, like mass-mailer, lists and statistics, or export functions to help keeping the overview at any time.

Features at a Glance


The timeline is an interactive component that allows each user to see immediately important deadlines and what is coming up next.

The information shown in the timeline depends on the role of a user. For example, the timeline for a reviewer contains additionally the reviewer deadline which specifies the deadline until which all reviews have to be submitted. The timeline is shown in the personal overview for every user.

Configuration of deadlines

Important deadlines are entered in Online Registry as one of the first configuration steps. Such deadlines are:

  • Deadline for article submission or re-submission
  • Reviewer deadline
  • Earlybird or regular price deadlines, cancellation deadline
  • Registration deadline
  • Conference start/end date

These dates are shown in the timeline as well. With that, users can always keep track of the schedule. Deadlines can be changed easiely by organizers.

Account/Submission management

During the organization of a conference, users may request organizers to execute some tasks in the name of the user. Online registry provides functions for such tasks. For example, a user may ask to upload his/her article after the submission deadline has been passed. Because the user is not able to submit the document anymore, the organization can do this task in the name of the user. Other examples would be to change personal data of a user, to manage user roles or to make bookings for a visitor who is not able to do this by him-/herself.

Person lists

Conference organizers can generate lists and reports from pre-defined data sets using the lists function of Online Registry. Additionally, the system supports the export of structured data, for example, in CSV format which can then be further processed by any spreadsheet application, such as Microsoft Excel or LibreOffice Calc.


The mass-mailer function allows to address groups of persons and send them personalized emails. Such groups, for example, are:

  • All users in the database
  • All reviewers with open reviews
  • All persons registered for Workshop 1
  • All Chairman, etc.

Sent mass-mails are stored as templates in order to re-use them for further notifications in the future. Our mass-mailing feature supports either the sending of pure text-based e-mails or HTML based e-mail. The latter approach can be used to structure e-mails in different ways and to provide some layout. The HTML e-mail template that is used for a mass-mail can be fully customized.

E-Mail templates

Online Registry allows to change templates for all automatic e-mails that will be sent during the congress organization process. These templates can be modified to provide a custom text or style. Additionally, the tag-replacement feature allows to enter tags as placeholder into an e-mail template which will then be replaced automatically when an e-mail is sent.

Mobile app

Keep conference visitors informed by defining a preliminary program and sending them announcements through our mobile app, which is currently available for Android and iOS. Furthermore, this app presents customers a way to find certain information about presentations and it allows to rate the session quality in order to provide some feedback to the conference organization. The Online Registry app also informs the visitor about the corresponding rooms where presentations take place and how to get there.

Social media integration

Online Registry provides a powerful announcement feature to notify persons of interest via different platforms:

  1. Via notification e-mail
  2. Via the Online Registry web page
  3. Via the Online Registry app using push notification
  4. Via the Online Registry RSS feed
  5. Via social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter

Name badges

As conferences usually provide name badges for visitors, Online Registry provides a convenient way to create them from a template that can be customized by the conference organization. If required, name badges can contain a QR code or a GS1 data matrix code that can be scanned by our Online Registry mobile app on-site by the conference organization to verify the validity of a certain ticket.