Online registry assists authors in submitting their scientific contributions. The submission process helps the scientific programme committee to manage the collection of contributions, the assignment of peer-reviewers, the decision and notification steps and the preparation of the conference programme.

Features at a Glance

Configuration for partiular needs.

Online Registry acts very flexible and can be configured in numerous ways. It supports the submission of articles as files or within forms – or even both. Articles can be hierarchical classified in categories, themes and topics. Additionally standardized keywords can be entered to describe the content of an article. Several types of submissions, such as full paper, poster, panels, or others can be defined and handled differently with indivudial submission deadlines.

Article submission

The scientific programme committee can define a pool of reviewers. Additionally, interested persons can apply as a reviewers via web-based forms. All possible reviewers accepted by the programme committee are then invited to log in and enter their fields of expertise as well as their review capacity.

Reviewer invitation

The treasurer of a conference organizer team has access to detailled lists about open, payed or cancelled invoices. Entering additional infos or making manual modifications of bookings are supported. In case of cancellations credit notes can be created.

Reviewer assignment

After submission deadline all reviewers who have entered their fields of expertise and their review capacity are assigned automatically and randomly to submissions by Online Registry. Usually three reviewers are assigned per article but this can be configured by the scientific program comitee as well. The programme committee has functions to approve these assignments. Afterwards reviewers are notified and review process can start.

Review of articles

Reviewers log in and find their article assignment on a separate form. The review is done by entering criteria, suggestions for acceptance or rejection, and notes to authors and programme committee. Reviewers can also ask the scientific program comittee for assistance or decline the reviewer altogether, which would then require the scientific program comitee to assign the contribution to a different reviewer.


Objective decision

Based on the reviewer marks and comments the programme committee can enter objective acceptance or rejection decisions. Authors are notified about this decision afterwards.

Resubmission (optional)

Several conferences use this optional step to ask authors for an improved version of their contribution based on comments from the preliminary decision. Based on this correction the scientific programme committee will then enter the final decision.

Formal decision

Editors review all submissions that were accepted during the objective submission decision phase. The goal for editors is to bring submissions visually in a good shape. When editors are done, they can enter a formal decision for every contribution. This completes the submission lifecycle.

Comprehensive statistics

Detailled statistics are provided giving an overview about the number of submissions in each topic, the number of submissions over time and per country, etc.

Please note that this list is only a short summary of all features provided by Online Registry. If you have got any questions, please contact us. You can also take a look at our demo system to try things out by yourself.