The conference registration module includes functions to manage the whole booking and payment process. Conference organizers define booking items such as packages, workshops or social events. User-friendly forms allow visitors to find the right package. Interfaces to credit card providers are provided. When a customer books for a conference, Online Registry automatically generates necessary PDF documents like invoices, payment confirmations, cancellation or credit notes, and certificates of attendance. At any time detailed statistics give an overview about current numbers and amounts.

Features at a Glance

Definition of booking items

Before the registration process can start, booking items need to be defined. For that, the Online Registry allows to enter items such as packages, workshops, social events and extras. Pricing is flexible and can depend on membership status of the user. Additionally very earlybird, earlybird, regular and late fees are supported.

Simple booking procedure for users

User-friendly forms allow visitors to easiely register for the conference in a three-step process:

  • Step 1: Capture data for the invoice address and select desired booking items.
  • Step 2: Check the booking summary.
  • Step 3: Make the final booking.

Online Registry will then immediately create the invoice in PDF format and send it via e-mail to the customer. Additionally the customer will receive a payment confirmation or a cancellation file in PDF format when the conference organizer processes the booking data. All these PDF files are generated from template files in ODT format, which can be fully customized by the conference organizer with Microsoft Word, OpenOffice or LibreOffice.

Online Registry supports different external payment services, like PayPal, PayZen, PostFinance and Samport. With that, a visitor can pay via credit card and immediately receive a payment confirmation from Online Registry.

Management of invoices, confirmations, cancellations and credit notes

The treasurer of a conference organizer team has access to detailled lists about open, payed or cancelled invoices. Entering additional infos or making manual modifications of bookings are supported. In case of cancellations credit notes can be created.

Bonus vouchers or credit notes

Online Registry suppors to issue bonus vouchers (i.e. To invited speakers, or organizer staff). Bonus vouchers can be issued for a free conference participation, for free scientific programme, or for a reduction of a certain amount. Recipients of bonus vouchers receive an email with a bonus voucher code. When entering this code during registration the reductions will be immediately granted.

Credits are usually issued to users after cancellation. These are created on the basis of an invoice amount and sent as a PDF file to the respective persons.


The Online Registry system keeps track of the payment status of all invoices and therefore can figure out delays in payment. With one click the system can send email reminders to such users automatically. All templates for reminders can be defined and tested by the conference organizers.

Waiting list for limited booking items

Several booking items can have limited resources as rooms are often limited to a maximum amount of persons, or as there can be limited space for Social events.

Online Registry supports to enter such limitations. If a booking item is fully booked, visitors can be automatically set on a waiting list, and are automatically reminded if space becomes available.

Accounting statistics

Detailled Accounting statistics always provide an overview about created invoices, registered persons and total amounts.

Please note that this list is only a short summary of all features provided by Online Registry. If you have got any questions, please contact us. You can also take a look at our demo system to try things out by yourself.